True Evil Never Dies
Guys, I have a MSI 460 Hawk 1GB. I had pre-decided to go SLI when the price will drop, but the high demand and the ever changing graphix market have left me stranded with this out of stock throughout India
My existing MSI 460 Hawk: Core 810 Mhz, Memory 3900 Mhz, Twin Frozr II cooler
The only option left for me is to go for the existing stocks available now:
MSI 460 Cyclone/OC: Core 725 Mhz, Memory 3600 Mhz, Cyclone cooler
Zotac 460 Amp: Core 810 Mhz, Memory 4000 Mhz, Custom cooler
Now, Which one to choose to pair with the hawk keeping compatibility, overclocking and cooling factor in mind?
Also how to arrange the cards to achieve maximum possible cooling?
You can get the idea of spacing on my motherboard (MSI P55-GD65) here: *
Please reply soon, else these stocks may vanish too!
P.S.: Is there any way to know if new Hawk stocks are coming or not?

My existing MSI 460 Hawk: Core 810 Mhz, Memory 3900 Mhz, Twin Frozr II cooler
The only option left for me is to go for the existing stocks available now:
MSI 460 Cyclone/OC: Core 725 Mhz, Memory 3600 Mhz, Cyclone cooler
Zotac 460 Amp: Core 810 Mhz, Memory 4000 Mhz, Custom cooler
Now, Which one to choose to pair with the hawk keeping compatibility, overclocking and cooling factor in mind?
Also how to arrange the cards to achieve maximum possible cooling?
You can get the idea of spacing on my motherboard (MSI P55-GD65) here: *
Please reply soon, else these stocks may vanish too!
P.S.: Is there any way to know if new Hawk stocks are coming or not?
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