Motorola to drop Motoblur brand name


Make Way the LORD is Here
good that they are dropping motoblur(i know many of you have been waiting for this), but they're still making a new UI :|
lets see whther they screw it or not

In response to public feedback about Motoblur user interface, the company is moving away from the brand name. Motorola will continue to use a custom user interface for Android OS based handsets.

Last week, Motorola Mobility's chief executive officer, Sanjay Jha, noted that several improperly tested third-party Android applications are responsible for the poor performance of smartphones. Instead, he said that the Motorola Motoblur user interface would offer better power management for Android devices. At a recent launch of a smartphone with Sprint and Verizon, the company's executives refrained from talking about using the Motoblur user interface for next generation devices.

Last year, Jha stated that the company will "focus on the value proposition of products and not Motoblur as a brand name." It was later confirmed by the company's spokesperson at the launch of Photon 4G and Triumph.

As reported earlier, the company is working on a new user interface that will focus more on the interface skin and on social networking for the next generation of Android devices. It is precisely the reason why not many devices and in fact no Motorola device available in India runs it.

Motorola India's spokesperson shared, "currently there are no plans of introducing Motoblur in India."

Motorola seems to be warding off Motoblur as a name but will continue to use the optimised custom interface for the next generation of Android smartphones.

The new interface is said to be more focused on social networking. The custom interface constantly checks with Motorola's servers if the user's social network account has any updates.

Last week HTC announced the opening of its custom user interface HTC Sense to the developer community for developing apps. Many industry observers are expecting Motorola to follow in the lines of HTC and do the same for the benefit of users.

We can rest assured that all future devices from Motorola will get the UI update, but we are not sure if the same updated user interface would be made available in India as well.

Motorola to drop Motoblur brand name


Retired Forum Mod
good that they are dropping motoblur(i know many of you have been waiting for this)


but they're still making a new UI :|


Sanjay finally came to his senses before the world ends. Samsung's touchwiz UI which basically looks like a cartoon theme (on some) got wide acceptance but motoblur. i can't remember anyone (of course other than the motorola ppls) who said motoblur is good. a few month's back Engadget's editor Chris Ziegler posted a nice article on why Blur should be dumped
(found it: Editorial: Motorola, sort Blur out or give it up). maybe finally Sanjay read it.

Motorola India's spokesperson shared, "currently there are no plans of introducing Motoblur in India".

they don't want to torture fellow Indians like what they are doing to US & Europeans :lol:


Make Way the LORD is Here
they don't want to torture fellow Indians like what they are doing to US & Europeans :lol:

they only do the hardwork and bring motoblur to those markets where there's a lot of sale... once moto becomes superhit here they'll bring it
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