Motherboard Unavailable - Suggest a new one


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Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 Motherboard is suggested by the forum members but it is not available at the online stores; SMC/Primeabgb. Can anyone suggest me a Z68 based motherboard (ASUS will do) other that this...


Gadget Freak
MSI Z68A-GD55(B3)-8.8K
MSI Z68A-GD65(B3)-10.6K
MSI Z68A-GD80(B3)-13.7K
Asus P8Z68V-Rs 11.8K
Asus P8Z68VPro-13.2K

Choose that suits you the best.


Gadget Freak
Both msi z68a-gd80(B3) and asus z68 vpro are same in terms features and performance .Choose that you like the most.
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