I have seen it, and i am a user of 2 mmx products and have recommended to friends too and none have reported any major issues, moreover have been using A60 since 1.5 years, no issues buddy, btw 1 point i would like to reiterate that even te best of the companies handle rma and product services in such a manner that you will stop buying their product no matter their rep, for instance hope you know the recent gigabyte fiasco, my friends and a member here rahulyo had got scratched mobo in replacement by gigabyte twice and the people were so damn rude to him and shouted at him to accept the faulty as well as damaged goods, so you see im not defending mmx but just saying that lot of **** happens, mmx is not as bad as people make it out to be.
Still its your choice you want a better Lappy or a better Mobile