Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Controller for Windows


Human Spambot

I'm planning to buy this controller

Buy Microsoft Xbox360 & Windows Wireless Controller Black at Best Price in India - Also find Specifications, Photos, Features & Reviews

is it ok to buy this one or suggest me a good Wireless controller for PC gaming



.NET Guru
It still not bought till now, Go ahead and buy it eyes closed, Its one of the best controllers you can have...


Human Spambot
I read some good reviews just wanted to know personal reviews from the user [who bought/used]


Wise Old Owl
I read some good reviews just wanted to know personal reviews from the user [who bought/used]

Better to buy a wired xbox 360 controller unless you have no problem spending more money on it and buying a new battery every month .
There is a good deal for Razer onza tournament edition , check this out - RAZER ONZA TOURNAMENT EDITION FOR XBOX 360


.NET Guru
Have been using one for last 5 years, still going strong
A set of Duracell easily lasts 30-35 HRs
Cost of playing < Re1 /hr

Others advising for wired controller might have their own reason but IMO wireless controller give better User experience and more flexibility, I also have a wired one (it came in bundle with my 360) I hardly use it.

If you play more than 60-70 hrs /mth invest in 2 sets of rechargeable batteries and a decent charger


Human Spambot
^r u talking abt usiong this controller on ur Xbox???

Or else u have also used it on Windows/PC too


The Annoying Thing
I have been using it for playing fifa since past 1 year. Works excellent. Definitely go for it


The Annoying Thing
I have been using the same for playing fifa since last 1 year. Works excellent. Definitely go for it


.NET Guru
Controller is same for PC and Xbox
If u buy PC version u can a USB wireless receiver like this


So Same controller can also be used with xbox 360 and PC.


Human Spambot
^^Where can i get a legit coupon i used around 20 coupon yesterday night for ebay and flipkart everything is expired can u help :mrgreen:

Controller is same for PC and Xbox
If u buy PC version u can a USB wireless receiver like this

So Same controller can also be used with xbox 360 and PC.

I never knew xbox uses a receiver unit :shock: just like windows one. I thought xbox uses in built unit :mrgreen: :wink:
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