Microsoft Windows PowerShell scripts


In the zone
Hello Friends, it has been quite a long time since I have visited the Think Digit Forum. I am hoping to catch up and be abreast on majority of the developments, if not all.

The urgent issue responsible for my sudden visit is, I require some help concerning Microsoft Windows PowerShell scripts.

At this moment, I am looking for a script(s) that will perform the installation of Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 on a Virtual Hard Drive (VHD).
The said VHD has already been created and mounted.

Awaiting your responses and your help in any way, and thanking you all in advance.


In the zone
Hello everybody.

I have acquired a Windows PowerShell script that creates and mounts a Virtual Hard Drive (VHD). The source of the script is, * and I have cited it entirely below.

function Check-AvailableDrive {
    param ( $driveLetterToSearch )

    foreach( $driveFound in [System.IO.DriveInfo]::GetDrives()) {
        if ($driveLetterToSearch + ":`\" -eq $driveFound.Name) { return $false }

   return $true         


function Create-VhdDrive {
    param ( $vdiskPath = $(Throw "vdiskPath was not specified"),
            $vdiskFileName = $(Throw "vdiskFileName was not specified"),
            $vdiskMaximumSize = 20000, $vdiskType = "EXPANDABLE",
            $vdiskDriveLetter = "", $vdiskVolumeName = "NewVHD",
            $vdiskScriptFileName = "CreateVhd.scr" )

 if ($vdiskDriveLetter.length -eq 0)
        $driveAssign = ""
    } else {
        if ($vdiskDriveLetter.length -ne 1) {
            Throw "Error: the variable `"driveLetter`" must be a single letter only."
        } else {
            if ((Check-AvailableDrive $vdiskDriveLetter) -eq $false) {
                $errorResult = "Cannot create drive $vdiskDriveLetter - it already exists."
                Throw $errorResult

            $driveAssign = "LETTER=$vdiskDriveLetter"

 if (($vdiskType -ne "FIXED") -and ($vdiskType -ne "EXPANDABLE")) {
        Throw "Error: vdiskType must be `"FIXED`" or `"EXPANDABLE`""

if (![System.IO.Directory]::Exists($vdiskPath)) {
        Throw "Error: the destination folder does not exist - $vdiskPath"

 $vdiskFullFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($vdiskPath, $vdiskFileName)

$scriptLineToWrite = "CREATE VDISK FILE=`"$vdiskFullFilePath`" MAXIMUM=$vdiskMaximumSize TYPE=$vdiskType`n"

 $scriptLineToWrite = $scriptLineToWrite + "SELECT VDISK FILE=`"$vdiskFullFilePath`"`n"

 $scriptLineToWrite = $scriptLineToWrite + "ATTACH VDISK`n"

 $scriptLineToWrite = $scriptLineToWrite + "CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY`n"

 $scriptLineToWrite = $scriptLineToWrite + "ASSIGN $driveAssign`n"

 $scriptLineToWrite = $scriptLineToWrite + "FORMAT QUICK LABEL=$vdiskVolumeName"

$scriptPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($vdiskPath, $vdiskScriptFileName)

$scriptLineToWrite | out-file -encoding ASCII $scriptPath

diskpart /s $scriptPath


How can I combine the installation of Microsoft Windows Server R2 2008 Enterprise with the above script?

After a VHD is manually created using the WinPE command console from the bootable disc, the process continues from the general installer. I am looking to automate this process using suitable Windows PowerShell scripts.

I am hoping any of you could help and or guide me.
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