Microsoft offers tabbed browsing in IE 6

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Microsoft offers tabbed browsing in IE 6

With the version of MSN Search Toolbar made available Wednesday, IE 6 gains the ability to open numerous Web pages within a single window, each selectable by a small tab at the top of the window.

The feature--long offered by IE competitors like Opera, Safari and Firefox, and by browser shells built to run on top of IE--is one of many that Web surfers have said they missed in the aging IE 6.

IE has not had a major feature upgrade in more than three years. Last month, Microsoft confirmed speculation that it would offer tabbed browsing in the upcoming IE 7.

Microsoft was not immediately available to comment on the new toolbar. The MSN toolbar tabs for IE 6 were first reported by BetaNews.

Microsoft in November raised the possibility of updating IE 6's features through add-ons like the toolbar, though it disavowed any specific plans to do so.

Source: C|Net


Just Do It
Thats nice, so then I can open multiple pages on IE and free up space by removing Opera, Firefox....

Ashwin Saxena

I just love opera anyways.
Microsoft is a copycat.
First they copy winzip.
Than Yahoo massanger.
Than Partition Magic.
Than Winamps skinning power in Mplayer.
Now tabbed browser.
I dont like that


Distinguished Member
about time ! ie not having tabbed browsing experience, was also responsible for many users switching over to maxthon, firefox or avant !

ps : i believe its going to be availbl with longhorn only !



whale is right
i wouldnt dare to near IE with a spear

it has too many flaws and bugs



In the zone
IE is just a compilation of bugs. Who cares about tabbed browsing. I have been using Opera since 2yrs now and they have other strong points. Lots of other active safety features which will never allow auto installation of Spyware and Adware. To hell with IE


even if mcrosoft will provide tabbed browsing then i will not shift to IE..never

its very slow and Opera is the fastest so why to go for IE?????


Whats the point of that now. Wont shift back to ie just for that. Plus firefox is just doing fine for me at the moment.
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