MGS 2 Graphics problem

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Broken In
My Computer Configuration:

Intel 915GL Motherboard
3.0 GHz Intel Pentium Dual Core Processor
512 MB DDR RAM (Kingston)
Onboard Graphics(No external Graphics Card)

I bought a legal copy of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance. There were 8 installation cds( equivalent to 7.9 GB). The game installed fine. But when I run the game there was no graphics, only sound. I can hear the background music and even the menu clicks. But the screen is blank.

Now, heres the twist. I installed the game on my friends machine with configuration:

Intel 845 chipset
1.7 GHz Pentium
256 MB RAM (Kingston)
Onboard Graphics.

The game runs perfectly on my friends machine.

Please help me.


Broken In
Man, my system even runs doom 3 in 800x600 resolution with descent fps.
MGS 2 is an old game (probably the pc version was released in 2004).

Moreover the min system requirement on box says "runs perfectly on an 865 chipset".


Iam having the same problem like you. I paid 2500 for Metal Gear Solid. The day it was released and 1500RS for MGS 2 last year. The game did not work. Anyways iam not intrested in MGS series any more.

MGS :- GOP is the last of the series.


Broken In
Thank god I bought it much cheaper , for RS 640. I even called the Konami helpdesk. They were also unable to give any solution.


In the zone
Start > Run > "dxdiag" ENTER

It opens DirectX Diagnostic Tool
Go to Display on TOP
Test DirectDraw
Test Direct 3D

Install latest DirectX from *
repeat those tests again
change screen resolution to 800 by 600 pixels
try to run the game, assuming the game is installed correctly and the game CD is in your CD-ROM or you got NO CD patch or something ( can't help in those types of patch stuffs).

Hope it helps


ironcross77 said:
Nope, none of this helps

You see the game worked on P 3 very well. When playing the game in P 4 with grapics card the game does not play.

Go to options see if it you change to hardware mode or to software mode. See if one of them settings work.



not sure if this would work for ur GMA900, cause that fix was for gfx cards. any way try it first. download nocd one if u like.
this happened to me b4 but this was a issue with game[grayness... etc], so
if that succeed ,get a analog gamepad like ps2 to enjoy full cinematic gameplay.

[2] if nothing works try the game with charecter detail to 2nd lowest or lowest option, if again all fail then try desabling vertex shader.
desabling vertex shader does helped me but i have gfx card[was a proud owner of intel ext gfx 2 b4 perchasing card] and i did that by rivatuner.dont know how to desable VS on gma900 or intel ext gfx 2.[/URL]
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