Though, with an exception!
Intel® Desktop Boards DP965LT, DQ965GF, DG965WH, and DG965OT have been updated to support Intel® CoreTM2 Quad processors. Current Intel® CoreTM2 Quad processors are Q6600 and Q6400. When updating to the latest BIOS, boards previous to these AA# (listed below) will now display a warning message when used with an Intel® CoreTM2 Quad processor, however users will be allowed to continue to run this unsupported configuration. Risk of running this unsupported configuration is expected to be minimal.
AA# for Intel® Desktop boards that now support Intel® CoreTM2 Quad processor
DP965LT (Lemont) -207 or later
DQ965GF (Guardfish) -401 or later
DG965WH (Westchester) -305 or later
DG965OT (Stoughton) -204 or later