mail problem

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Core of the Processor
i m getting mails in bulk from unknowns.... these mails r coming from diffrent mail address....plz help me out


In the zone
first enable the show headers option in ur mail this u'll know the ip add of these mails...if they are the same...they are the same that ip to the email service provider u use and tell him to block that a lesson dont give away ur email add to anyone who promises to give a grand prize or lucky draw or any unknown.....


So you have become a victim of spam like so many others!! You have to get spam filter or something like mailwasher (*

Although it doesn't learn like other with bayesian filters. If you need spam filters that learn on their own as time goes, get K9 (*

You also use a mail client like Thunderbird (* which has built in spam filters.

I personally prefer mailwasher because even if K9 (or other Bayesian apps) are 99% accurate, I can't take chances with that 1% :( I don't mind seeing 100 spam mail header, but I fear losing 1 important mail.

I assumed its a POP3 account. If its a web-based mail like hotmail, yahoo, rediff, etc. use their spam-filter facility.
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