Made a website for criteria based product tracking


Cyborg Agent
Edit: Updating again: Made a website for criteria based product tracking
Edit: Ignore this post please. Go to above link if interested. Ty new in development link: Blank Template for Bootstrap

Made a website: Fallinprices - Ultimate product tracking for price tracking and information about new products. The powerful feature IMHO is that it tracks based on criteria / relevant features. Notifying only about relevant products.

Example : Track only TVs that are 40 or 42 inches in size having 4k resolution , priced between 40000 to 50000 and are of certain brands. Once set it will send emails whenever price changes or a new product is introduced that fits in with the criteria.

Took too long to make this. Pretty proud of it, the rest I hope you all will tell :)

Fallinprices - Ultimate product tracking

btw I doubt anyone will remember but this is the same domain of a similar site I had . I used to have it in my sig . There may be some issues as it is brand new.
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Conversation Architect
Mere bhai kudos to you, heartiest congratulations. Change that default merebaapka email address, does not sound good. All you need now is good traffic and some cpm, cpc based ads. Let us know where we all can help.
Did you make it all by yourself?
Please add an option to select brands of electronics lile Samsung, Honoe etc.


Cyborg Agent
Thanks so much bhai! Changed email to something else sounds better I think . There is already a brands input field.
Yeah, made it all by self :D . Am a fullstack dev.
I am terrible at actually selling anything, so if someone can help with marketing that would be FANTASTIC! Although its still early days , as have to take feedback and may have to make some changes ...


Conversation Architect
Thanks so much bhai! Changed email to something else sounds better I think . There is already a brands input field.
Yeah, made it all by self :D . Am a fullstack dev.
I am terrible at actually selling anything, so if someone can help with marketing that would be FANTASTIC! Although its still early days , as have to take feedback and may have to make some changes ...
Yaar change it to or something. Why are you obsessed with that word ;)
Check your pm


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Thanks so much bhai! Changed email to something else sounds better I think . There is already a brands input field.
Yeah, made it all by self :D . Am a fullstack dev.
I am terrible at actually selling anything, so if someone can help with marketing that would be FANTASTIC! Although its still early days , as have to take feedback and may have to make some changes ...
Wow, I have been trying to make some project like this but never really got any good ideas.
What is your stack BTW?
By using this website you agree to allow us to sell your email, life insurance and toys to baburao


Cyborg Agent
@Desmond David - Thanks. I have plenty of ideas, can share one if you want one.
Stack: bsd nginx php sqlite

eh there is lots of my brand PJ'ish humor on the site. It maybe too strange for regular folk. May have to remove or atleast tone it down eventually.


Cyborg Agent
SQLITE : single file format = easy easy backups. Doesn't need external service to run in background. Just feels simpler. Sqlite is a proper database :) . In fact it is good enough for most websites.

Idea: iSporty. Site for linking nearby people with other sports enthusiasts, so that I can know there is another football freak within 100m near by place interested in playing football


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Yeah, but it doesn't do well under load. So, it's okay if you are not expecting too much traffic.
Idea: iSporty. Site for linking nearby people with other sports enthusiasts, so that I can know there is another football freak within 100m near by place interested in playing football
Good idea, but thinking of all the moving parts is boggling my mind. You will need to collect GPS data for each user plus their interests, then resolve who all are within a certain radius of his location. So, a UI with a map, backend RESTful web service and database.

Now, I am more of a backend developer, so I don't have good UI skills. A RESTful web service I can spin up no problem and I can set up a DB.


Cyborg Agent
Thanks @Anorion ! App toh pata nahi. Not fan of those and no point right now anyways I think.

Yeah implementing the iSporty idea is time consuming, but I did manage to make a site with that coordinate function. I am the same , backend guy, bad at UI. Couldn't have made this without a visual editor for bootstrap called Pinegrow


Cyborg Agent
Guys I made some major fixes. Was showing just a sample of products before . Can someone please take a look again ? Also is the site hard to use ? or understand how to use ?

Here is how its supposed to be used.
1. Category: choose exact cat from dropdown: Type 'ssd'. Choose an option from dropdown
2. Features field: ssd 512 OR 500 OR 480 - Searches for ssd with either capacities.
3. Brands : intel samsung
4. Price 3000 to 5000


Cyborg Agent
SO I have started working on this again. I again feel its something useful..

To make it interesting I think I'll post a little more about how it develops..
Testing URL: Blank Template for Bootstrap . FYI, most things would be broken right now.

Lots of major major changes/goal. Complete overhaul to UI . Search relevance magnitudes times more relevant. advanced search operators ..

## Feature I want to show off now: ajax linking to search results.
Nokia 6.1 price: Shows the current price of all "nokia 6.1" phones .
It shows the lowest recorded price of an item is 7k, compared to the current 12k !
What do you think ?
Edit: Fixed link issue
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Cyborg Agent
Fixed link! THanks. It records the selling price twice a day so yeah it should record those sale prices as well.


Cyborg Agent
Made changes towards making UI mobile friendly: Screenshot of difference:

The font on the old mobile was too large for a mobile. Fixed it with the following changes to CSS:

Set a base font-size of 14px for mobile with a media query:
body {
    font-size: 16px;
@media only screen and (max-width: 900px) {
    body {
        font-size: 14px;

Increased title font-size with "font-size: 1.2em" - which means size would be "1.2 times base size."
Fixed some inappropriate tags from before - h6 for description ?!
Adjusted line-height to 1.4em . line-height = space taken by a single line of text. So the higher the value, the more space there is between individual lines.
Adjusted margin and paddings. Bootstrap grid system makes it soo much better. CHeck this:
<div class="card-body pl-md-2 pr-md-2 p-md-2 p-0 px-1 pt-1">
p-0 = Set padding tp 0
pt-1 = Padding on top to 1
pr-md-2 = Padding on right on medium screens equal to 2
Very handy classes.
See here for more: Grid system


Cyborg Agent
Question: the price line is show as "Price: Rs. 11000" . Do you think I can remove the 'Price' word ? Seems unnecessary and takes a lot of space on mobile..
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