LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran is dead

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Colombo, May 18 (IANS) Velupillai Prabhakaran, the elusive leader of Sri Lanka's feared Tamil Tigers, was killed Monday while trying to escape the battlezone in the island's north along with two of his top aides, the military announced.
Prabhakaran, 54, was in a convoy of a van and an ambulance with Pottu Amman, head of the intelligence wing of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), and Sea Tigers chief Soosai when the military opened fire in an isolated strip of Mullaitivu district.
The deaths sparked frenzied celebrations in the capital Colombo and large parts of the Sinhalese populated central and southern provinces as people poured out of their homes, waved national flags and distributed sweets.
Prabhakaran's death comes shortly after soldiers stumbled upon the bodies of several key LTTE leaders, including his son Charles Anthony, who headed the group's IT wing and was being groomed to take over his father's mantle.
Prabhakaran founded the LTTE in 1976 and built it into an awesome military machine that at one point controlled a third of Sri Lanka's land territory and two-thirds of its coastline.
source:google news
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I personally am divided on this issue,
my head says he got what he deserved for causing so much trouble to India (a bit late i should say),
but my heart wonders who will stand up for the Tamilians in SL now.:|:|:|
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Senior Member
well thats one good snub to the US and other countries who would rather let the LTTE be. it was never possible to make peace with the tigers, they had broken ceasefire many times.

the US talks about civilian deaths.. but were'nt the people who LTTE killed also civilians?. the US is on the wrong side on this issue. US wanted ceasefire, but would they ever think of doing something about the LTTE? no.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Now it's time for India to pressurize Sri Lanka to give equal rights to the Tamil community.
I dont know what to say.
On one hand, as NucleusKore said, good riddance to bad rubbish.
On the other, the rights of the Tamils are not guaranteed yet :|
Why is US poking it's nose into this ? Humanitarian rights?
Maybe Obama's foreign ministry should look into it's own history (guantanamo bay, Iraq war, Af-Pak war etc.) before talking to others about human rights :???:


They had Released the Pictures and videos of his dead body..But i don't think that lankan army had fired might be a suicide or something else


Cyborg Agent
i still doubt prabhakaran is dead...but sl has to pay for the mess they created sometime even ur indian govt will get haunted by this sins...


Third Eye
Though I admit that LTTE has committed blunders [Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi - by which their tag got changed from fighters to terrorists.] the rights of innocent tamizhs are now in jeopardy. Hope at least now the Indian government should act and save the innocents and stop the genocide.


Evolving Rapidly...
Sri Lankan military shows 'body of Tamil Tiger leader Prabhakaran' on TV
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