Local broadband internet provider

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Sup' dude, Sup'
here are two broadband internet providers in my area (tavarkere, bangalore)

1) Sify broadband
2) Sity broadband

256kbps unlimited package:

Sify: Rs.1000
Sity: Rs.1,100

Installation charges:

Sify: Rs. 2,000
Sity: Rs.0

Is it ok to go for the local broadband service provider or will it be a pita with local broadband providers?
If anyone already has Sity internet connection, let me know how it is.
My friend has sify broadband. It's okay. download rate is good.
please help as I have to make a decision today. :-(
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dont take sify... want to read reviews..

or use proxy,
*www.proxysurf.org/ to surf site...

for test speed, accurate...

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