Linux on P-I

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Wire muncher!
Cyclone said:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash
chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory

Do I go and create it?
while others haf answered ur other queries, i'll answer this one. there's a typo there. there is no space between 'mnt' and 'bin'.. since u've mount ur 'sda8' as '/mnt'... the command above should read 'sudo chroot /mnt/bin/bash'


Wise Old Owl
I would suggest Xubuntu.I used in on 300Mhz Celeron pc with 150megs of ram.Vector Linux is a good bet too..


left this forum longback
infra_red_dude said:
while others haf answered ur other queries, i'll answer this one. there's a typo there. there is no space between 'mnt' and 'bin'.. since u've mount ur 'sda8' as '/mnt'... the command above should read 'sudo chroot /mnt/bin/bash'
^ it is wrong.the correct syntax is as in my is not like /mnt/bin/bash ,but we are using /bin/bash from native env(live cd).similarly /proc/ etc too can be mounted.


Darth Penguin
Right, so I reinstalled Ubuntu - it took over an hour - and I carefully ensured that /dev/sda7, the 6GB partition, would get the "/". Continued with the installation. At 94%, I got the same error - Grub (hd0) failed to execute. This is a fatal error. I'm going through the three steps praka mentioned to change root, I'll let you know how it goes. Oh, and here are the new results of fdisk -l:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 1217 9775521 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sda2 1218 4865 29302560 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda5 1218 2434 9775521 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda6 2435 3651 9775521 b W95 FAT32
/dev/sda7 3652 4439 6329578+ b W95 FAT32
/dev/sda8 4501 4865 2931831 83 Linux
/dev/sda9 4440 4500 489951 82 Linux swap / Solaris

Partition table entries are not in disk order

Why do I have the feeling that its gone and installed itself in the 2.7 GB partition again?

Oh, and while the first command - mount /dev/sda8 /mnt is working fine, mount /mnt /bin/bash isnt. Take a look:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash
chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory

Is this related to the 2.7GB thingmie?
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left this forum longback
dude,if u want to install on /dev/sda7 which is a vfat(fat32) or ur windows F partition,u need to format it as ext3(Select the option) and use as "/" .
ur trying to install on 2.7 GB partn which cannot hold full data if ur confused with Linux installer.go to ur windows xp and in control panel,try administrative(?sorry dont have XP near to me) and select disk management,delete the last fat partition number(be sure?).also view the ubuntu installing video here:
install as dual boot with windows:
installing ubuntu:
EDIT:these are all guided partitioning,u must select manual partitioning and delete partn /dev/sda7 or format it to ext3(linux file system) and use as root.
leave those grub chroot etc etc
manual partitioning:
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Darth Penguin
I wish it was that simple. I'd converted sda 7 to ext3 the first time I installed ubuntu, and the partition manager shows it as such. Thats why I'm trying to install linux on it. But after installation it shows up as fat32 in fdisk.


left this forum longback
^ may help.esp the manual partitioning section.invoke gparted from ubuntu livecd(read that guide)


left this forum longback
= Dont care.just partition ur hdd by selecting manual partitioning.format ur fat partition /dev/sda7 as ext3,installer can do this or u can manually partition by opening a terminal type:
sudo gparted
in gparted /dev/sda7 can be formatted to ext3.then in the terminal type "ubiquity"-the installer to start installation :?
I think some geeks here can help u.done.


Darth Penguin
Here's the result of gparted:

damn, 54kb - can't be attached. Oh well, I'll type:

Device: /dev/sda7
filesystem: ext3
mount point: /media/disk
size: 6.04 GB
used: 2.63 GB
unused: 3.41 GB

Device: /dev/sda9
filesystem: linux-swap
mount point: <blank>
size: 478.48 MB
used: -
unused: -

Device: /dev/sda8
filesystem: ext3
mount point: /mnt
size: 2.80 GB
unused: 2.69 GB
used: 113.24 MB

Besides these, there are sda1, 5 and 6, of which 1 and 6 are fat32, 5 is ntfs, and all are 9.32 GB.

It looks like linux is installed in sda7 after all, IRDude. What next?

Oh, and lest we all forget, the problem here is that grub isn't getting installed/executed properly towards the end of the ubuntu installation, therefore ubuntu never shows up on the boot menu, and xp is loaded automatically. How do we get around this, thats the issue.
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Burning Bright
U have mounted
sda7 to /media/disk
sda8 to /mnt
Where is '/'..

I recommend u a fresh installation following this during installation
Delete your sda7, sda8, sda9 and create following partitions
sda7 (swap) 500 MB
sda8 (ext3) remaining space mounted as '/' (without quotes)


Darth Penguin
Damn, you're right, where the heck's /??? :?: Damnfunk partitioning issues!!!

Right, I'll give it another shot. Here goes...

Oh, and meanwhile, could you guys try and come up with something to fix grub? Many thanks!

anantkhaitan said:
U have mounted
sda7 to /media/disk
sda8 to /mnt
Where is '/'..

I recommend u a fresh installation following this during installation
Delete your sda7, sda8, sda9 and create following partitions
sda7 (swap) 500 MB
sda8 (ext3) remaining space mounted as '/' (without quotes)

I deleted sda7 and 9, now I'm left with two free spaces, with 6481MB and 3002MB respectively. How do I merge them into one partition?

praka123 said:
= Dont care.just partition ur hdd by selecting manual partitioning.format ur fat partition /dev/sda7 as ext3,installer can do this or u can manually partition by opening a terminal type:
sudo gparted
in gparted /dev/sda7 can be formatted to ext3.then in the terminal type "ubiquity"-the installer to start installation :?
I think some geeks here can help u.done.

And gparted shows a locked icon next to my devices, and I can't modify them from there. So I used manual partition, now how do I merge two groups of free space into one partition?
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left this forum longback
this is easy!

locked bcoz they are mounted by ubuntu livecd.u can try unmount as follows(ofcorz in a terminal):
umount /dev/sda7
now try formatting.
resize options are there.but u can try it space are automatically formed if u delete any partition.while resize option works,but a little try u may need.
also make sure /dev/sda7(ur / ) be not mounted as /media/* .


Burning Bright
Cyclone said:
I deleted sda7 and 9, now I'm left with two free spaces, with 6481MB and 3002MB respectively. How do I merge them into one partition?
Is it "sda7 and 9" or "sda7 to 9" bcoz AFAIK u will have to delete sda8 to for continuous space allocation .. even if you have done the latter one make a new partition on 6481 MB space formatted as ext3 and mounted as '/' bcoz 6481 MB is for than enough for Ubuntu

And before anything... do visit the links mentioned by praka123 in post no #46


Wire muncher!
ok there's some confusion here... lets do it again. one step somewhere is causing the whole thing to mess up! as ananth said.. u need to delete sda7, 8, 9. but now don't do it thru ubuntu. do it thru windows. boot into ur windows and goto disk management. now right click on these partitions (except the fat32 other linux paritions will be shown as unrecognised, but it lets u delete the parition anyway). delete these 3 partitions. now u should haf full free unpartitioned space after ur 9gb fat32 partition.

now proceed to the ubuntu install. when u come to partitioning, select manual partition. hmmmm... i'm feeling too lazy to type... here follow this guide for further steps.:)

step 1: * (this guide assumes u start wid an empty hdd, however ur system already has fat32 and ntfs partitions, hence the unallocated space will be shown in as the last entry). let the size of this 'first' ubuntu partition be about 7500mb.

skip the next page there and treat this as step 2: * here give all the remaining space as swap partition.

step 3: now specify the mount points as shown here: *
the changes for ur system are: the 7.5gb partition has the mount point '/' in ur system (instead of the 3gb shown in the pic) and the remaining space of about 500mb is ur linux swap. the /home mount point doesnt exist for ur system. don't bother about it.

apple the mount points for only these two partitions and do not touch anything else. proceed forward.

in the last screen ensure this in 'Advanced...': * now proceed wid the installation.


Darth Penguin
Right ladies, funs over. Orders from HQ - bye bye Ubuntu. With just a few days more before I have to catch the train to college, Mum and Dad feel its about time I give up this little project of mine. They've got loads of important stuff crammed in it (and all un-backed-up, I might add. Living dangerously, they are.), and after spending the last week watching my experiments with free software and multiple formattings with their hearts in their mouths, the strain's finally become too much for them to bear. All further activities are to be postponed till December, when I return on winter break. "Be strong," I told them, "Ubuntu wasn't built in a day." "Neither was all our work", came the reply, along with the order to pull the eject cord and vacate my seat. Oh well. Many thanks to all of you who've spent so much of your time and bandwidth on helping me out, and I'm sure all this will come in handy to many future newbs who'll turn to the ThinkDigit forums when faced with the daunting task of installing Ubuntu in dual-boot mode, when they have tons of priceless un-backed-up data. It sure will come in handy to me - I'm gonna have a great semester messing around in the college computer centre - they've got Ubuntu installed there! Rub-a-dub-dub, Thanks for the GRUB, Yeah Linux! :D


Doubts ,Doubts & more!!!
Sorry to Bump in an old thread...came up in search.....noticed the starter has the same config but with 20 gb HDD....

I have a 10 gb HDD [P-I ,196MB Ram,USB 1.1]

Experience: I am new to linux
Expectations : Open office,mp3,speed & effortless usage ...since its a 10 year old PC i dont any other items to stress it out

I want a distro fulfilling all my needs....i noticed 4 distros in this thread ...xubuntu,DSL,dreamlinux,antix..which one to choose ...are there any other distros

please guide me in transiting to linux world on ol' PC...I am quite sentimental about this Computer [Acer] as she guided me into Windows 95 & through which the Computer world

Help me out


Doubts ,Doubts & more!!!
i kinda want Out off the box use....except off course Open office & easy to use ....availability of tutorials
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