Linux blues!!!

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Right off the assembly line
I have a P4 3.0 Ghz with a Mercury Mobo and 256 DDR.
But the point is I have the following OSes:
SATA Hard Disk sda :
sda1-> C: Win 98
sda5-> E: Win Xp
sda6-> F: Data
sda7-> G: Data

IDE hard Disk hda :
hda1-> D: Win Xp(not functioning cos of system change)
and similaryly hda2 to hda12.

Now I have FC4 and Ubuntu installed on my system with GRUB as the boot loader. I installed GRUB in the first sector of /boot of FC4 and configured GRUB to boot Ubuntu as well.

The system was working fine till then.
Now, I thought I would have the GRUB installed in /boot of Ubuntu to boot the linux systems.
So I used dd if= of= bs= count= to copy the first sector and get that to boot with the NT loader.
This is where the problem arised. By mistake, Iwrote the output file to /dev/sda6 (the whole device) instead to a file (ie /dev/sda6/ubuntu.dat). I executed dd with of=/dev/sda6 and after that I found I had done a mistake. Then I executed with dd of=/dev/sda6/ubuntu.dat. Now these commands worked fine, but the real problem arised only after I rebooted. My NT loader wasnt functioning and I had to recover the MBR to get it working. This further lead to the shuffling of my partitions. ie hda7 got assigned to hda9 and similarly 2 other partitions got shuffled.

I was able to recover data from /dev/sda6 and also got XP and 98 in running condition.

The real problem is getting both the Linux OSes to work. GRUB has been misconfigured and all permutations that I have tried dont seem to work with them??????
Reason I have not mentioned the hda# of the linux sys is each of them have been jumbled across another number depending on their position in the hard disk. Previously, hda11 and hda12 used to be before hda7 and hda8. Now its the other way around.


PS: I have posted this question on some other forums as well, so if mods find this to be offending they can delete this thread.


left this forum longback
I am getting confused reading ur partition info :roll: but anyway u can rescue grub.get hold of a fedora/rhel cd U know how to rescue..execute a shell...mount /proc (already done) type fdisk -l if in doubt of the root partiton which u want to set grub.chroot to the mounted Linux root partn of ur choice..type grub
set new root
grub> root
 Possible commands are: root rootnoverify

grub> root (hd0, x)                 (press tab for possible entries)
grub> setup (hd0) if u want  in ur MBR
grub> setup (hd0,x) where x is the /boot partn...

and edit ur /etc/fstab for root /boot 'info grub'.also check ur /boot/grub/menu.lst or /boot/grub/grub.conf ;)
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