Lightning strike put down my PC. How to recover?

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Friends, I need your help. Couple of days back lightning stiked near my house. At the time my PC(Asus M2N-MX mobo,AMD X2 4000+ processor,1GB DDRII RAM ) was on with Dataone Internet connection and Siemens modem. Morning after I saw that Power LED of modem (red) was blinking and PC was shut off. Now PC won't power up.
When I took it to local PC mechanic, he said SMPS and Motherboard have been damaged. He also said the motherboard model (Asus M2N-MX) is no longer available hence i have to take new motherboard and along with it new processor and RAM as present processor and RAM wont be compatible.
I am not convinced about what he said and hence want your suggestions. Also tell what to do about the modem . Thanks in advance. Please reply.


left this forum longback
what he said is,probably true since repairing mobo is really hard,as many mobos uses smd's(tiny components).but processor..did he checked it on another pc?also to check ur RAM,boot with a ubuntu cd to test using memtest86+


You dont have to buy a new processor if the processor is in working condition... Since you have 4000+ iits AM2 socket and you can get plenty of motherboards supporting AM2 processors...


Intel OCer
looks like ur dealer is tryin to get u to buy more components from him...try procy on a diff mobo
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