legality of voip using ip phones

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Right off the assembly line

i have a very complicated question regarding legality on voip this topic can be useful to other persons also

i m using bsnl broadbang connections i run a small business on IT based i have few clients in usa they have sent me a device called vonage a ip based phone so that they can call me regularly i m using it to receive calls from them my query is that is it legal to use such device only to receive calls in india i will be thankfull if any person can answer it in detail about its legality i receive 10 to 20 calls per day


I had been to Linksys Training Programme conducted by Cisco Banaglore in the month of August.

During the session various VOIP products were reviewed & explained & if i'm not wrong then the Cisco India people did say that there are some complications regarding regulations in India.

If you want I'll find out more about this in a couple of days.Cause VOIP may also find a place in my university campus anytime soon :)


Cyborg Agent
Saw in the news today that voip has been legalised in India! Finally they see the light.
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