Nowdays I can't win a single match because the lag gets so damn bad. I mean I randomly get spikes 5-10 mins, allowing the enemy laner to get an upperhand. Lag trolled me almost into B3. One more to go to B3(from B2).
None of you playing anymore ?
Free Dreadknight Garen apparently hosted by Riot themselves.
Free Dreadknight Garen - NA
Anybody availed the giveaway I linked you all to? I did that for your benefit you know.
Thanks a lot my man but sorry, It installs a third party app which can follow and post tweets for you. Are you sure that is safe?
I hope you guys have played the April Fools special Ultra Rapid Fire mode. It's as fun as LOL can get.
I dint.. There is no fun playing with anti fun elements
We need to remember sometimes that LOL is a just a game in the end and is meant to make you have fun. Of all the game modes they've ever come out with including Hexakill, this is hands down the best. I, personally, had a blast playing it.