League of Legends on European server


So, anyone else been playing on EU East server ? If so please add me

Im quite new to the game - playing as Master Yi and Gangplank mostly.. Any tips/advices are welcome ;)


Cyborg Agent
master yi is the noobs champion.. So continue playing him untill you find your feet in the game.

Other chanps like - warwick (popularly called WW), Gang Plank (GP), Miss Fortune (MF) will be fun to play.

Note that the champions are categorized to the task their abilities they are best suited for. eg:: yi and ww can be good jungler. MF is an ad carry.

Try mastering a specific role among - ad carry, ap carry (generally the mid), tank (can solo top or support and jungle at times), jungler and support (a tank can support too or a support can build tankish) before moving onto the next role eventually.
Try and avoid playing ranked games until you master with atleast 2 champs in each role and can fill in when required without being adamant about a single role or champ.

try understanding the game from the way others in your team play and talk about. fill in the roles left and do not fight with ppl initially atleast until u learn the game.

Take my word on this, there are more number of noob Indian players than the good ones (I feel I dont feel in noob category atleast). :):)


thanks for the tips mate, i m trying to play as AD Yi mostly.. next ill move on to gangplank..
can you tell me your nick so i can add u ? hope u play on EU east

thanks for the tips mate, i m trying to play as AD Yi mostly.. next ill move on to gangplank..
can you tell me your nick so i can add u ? hope u play on EU east
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