Last but not the least...

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WOW... are you?
Okay... this is the last hurdle for me!!!

I have a perfect, AGP card which i'm enjoying too much :) (it's Geforce 6800 GT)

Infact, I don't play that many games... and the most i use my PC is for, WORD, Internet and... yes an ocassional games!!!

Anyways, i wanted to buy intel Core 2... but it doesn't have any AGP slot.
And since i don't have the budget to... buy any PCI ex card, I will stick to this CARD (for the time being)

Well... my fren has agreed to buy my current thingie :) and i just need to add some bucks (not major) to get a Mobo with AGP 8x and a decent P4

Right now... I have P4 2.4 G (no HT) and only 4X AGP

So recommend a MOBO and CPU... which will support AGP card

Please... no bickering, LOL !!!


Wise Old Owl
You can get a Radeon Xpress200 based mobo with a Pentium D processor. Anything less than Pentium D would hardly be an upgrade.
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