Laptop battery optimisation ??


Should you discharge a Li-ion
battery all the way before plugging
it in?
Is it especially pertinent when you
get a new battery / laptop?
Should you keep draining it all the
time, or leave it plugged in whenever
you can?
All battery tips are welcome.


Staff member
No to all your questions.

Some pointers

  • * Don't use laptop always on charging, it degrades battery.

    * Don't game on battery, it stresses battery uselessly and eats it's already fixed charging cycles.

    * Don't completely drain the battery, and don't even follow those zero to 100 likewise guides. Modern Li-ion batteries don't need all this fuss.

    * If your laptop has got the option to limit charging to say, 80%, enable it. It will save those precious charging cycles.

    * Lastly, don't take ultra care, be little cool ;)


thanx sujay for replying afew more doubts are 1 if i want to play should i remove battery and only use ac adapter ?? 2 should i start charging at 40% and stop at 80% ??? 3 & for how long should i continue doing 40 , 80 % thing ??
About that completely discharging before charging the battery again, it only happened in nickel-cadmium batteries. Not in lithium-ion batteries.You don't need to remove the battery and plug in the ac for playing games. Just plug it in ac and use. Also do that 40%-80% once in a week. BTW you are very cautious man. Just be cool.


k ! no one is answering when to start charging and stop ? How Often Should I Charge My Gadget's Battery to Prolong Its Lifespan? this link says start charging at 40 stop at 80 ! once in a month fully discharge and charge ?? this is how i should do ??


Back to school!!
I have a Dell 15R, it has some battery health features, one that automatically stops battery charging @ 80% when connected for prolonged period, there are some more features as well, if you have a dell laptop get dell quickset app and turn on battery protection.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
The more paranoid you get about these things, the more imaginary problems you create for your machine.

Use your laptop according to your needs.

Way too many hypothesis regarding batteries.


Cyborg Agent
If you don't use the laptop much on battery power then you can turn on the battery protection mode in the energy management software
which will restrict it to 60% charge when on AC power.
Whatever you do with time the battery is bound to degrade which is normal.Go easy,use it normally,don't be too cautious.


@ tkin i.have a lenovo laptop ! r
which has a option but at 60% so should i go.for that ?

@ vkl how do u use your battery ! u use like 0% to 100% or 20% to 80% !!!?

@ vkl how do u use your battery ? as in u start charging at 0% and stop at 100% or u start 20 & stop 80 !!!?????


Back to school!!
@ tkin i.have a lenovo laptop ! r
which has a option but at 60% so should i go.for that ?

@ vkl how do u use your battery ! u use like 0% to 100% or 20% to 80% !!!?

@ vkl how do u use your battery ? as in u start charging at 0% and stop at 100% or u start 20 & stop 80 !!!?????
If you keep it plugged in most of the time, use it.


Cyborg Agent
Just don't discharge it completely always.
There is no pattern for me.I limit the charging to 60% when I know I would be on AC power,when I know I would need to charge it more for external use I put it under normal mode.This I do as there is an option available.Even if it was not available,it doesn't change things much.Just use according to your requirements.Battery would degrade with time.
No need of following any pattern,just use it the way you need.No need to bother so much.


Dude be cool as everyone suggested it. Charge it as you use it. If you always use your lappy at a desk then set charging limit at 60%. If not then charge it more. Gadgets are here to serve you not you serving your gadgets. Don't be so caring with them


In the zone
I always plug in the AC power whenever I can, and let it remain that way, even when the battery is fully charged. I read books on the laptop, by lying down and putting the lappy on my stomach and read this way for hours - is this advisable or should I remove the AC power and let it run on battery when I'm reading?

What exactly happens when you plug in the AC power - does the laptop work on AC or does it work on battery which is being charged by AC?

My laptop's a Toshiba Satellite L 755; it has power saving options and I've set it on balanced instead of power-saving.
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