Klipsch GMX A 2.1 or Logitech Z2300 or Z5300?

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 Macboy
Btw, I must add that you should not judge the Z5500 by the "6 channel direct" mode. I personally don't use that. I got these Monster Coax cables and use the "Stereo x2" or the "PL II: Music" mode through the digital connection. It gives much better midrange and the bass notes are more distinct than the direct connection. So if you guys are judging it by the 6 channel direct (which is also very good) then you have judged wrong...


In the zone
goobimama said:
Btw, I must add that you should not judge the Z5500 by the "6 channel direct" mode. I personally don't use that. I got these Monster Coax cables and use the "Stereo x2" or the "PL II: Music" mode through the digital connection. It gives much better midrange and the bass notes are more distinct than the direct connection. So if you guys are judging it by the 6 channel direct (which is also very good) then you have judged wrong...

Monster is like the bose of cables ;). Nothing really better than ur generic coax cables. If you use either of those modes, you'll not get 5.1 in games but movies will work fine. It all depends on the DAC and the mode in which the card is working. All creative cards other than XFi resample horribly in hardware. So unless you use a software resampler plugin, it'll sound really bad cos of the crappy resampling algorithm in the EMU10k1/2 chip. The logitech has some consumer dac whereas the xfi/audigy2 has a pretty high end CS4382/4398 dac which is way better than the logitech. So its cos of hardware limitation on live/audigy that it sounds worse over analog than digital. On an XFi, i can guarantee that the analog outputs would sound better than coax unless logitech supplies really bad interconnects :p.
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