k3b not burning.

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Hi guys,
I have k3b installed on my PC. I have around 128MB RAM and use kde3.5.7.(I know :D)
The problem is that when I try to burn a 4.x GB DVD, the k3b window just keeps on showing "preparing files". It just wont burn DVDs. I have removed Windows so I cant use that too.

Can anybody tell me whats the problem? Is that something to do with the amount of space left in root directory cause I only have around 1GB of space left on '/'. My temp folder (partition) is different and has around 6GB of free space.


left this forum longback
with k3b,(ur in kde?) a terminal(konsole?) trace is difficult.if u got xterm terminal,run k3b from xterm and post here the terminal trace when the app hangs.


1337 |)00|) \m/
Is that something to do with the amount of space left in root directory cause I only have around 1GB of space left on '/'
Couldn't this be the problem ? AFAIK, whenever you try to burn files and directories 'on the fly', without creating an image, any burning suite creates a temporary image and then burns it. So, in case the space is less, I think it won't burn...

Note: I don't know whether /temp is used or not. Maybe the .k3b folder under /home/[user] is used ?

cynosure, try creating an image before you burn and then try the burn. See if that works.

And, k3b/gnomebaker basically use a hacked/modded version of cdrecord. So, I don't think there would be much difference while using k3b or cdrecord. The former is safer IMHO.


I am so sorry guys. I got the solution.
Actually k3b was not saving image @ /home but at a different partition. And only root had access to that partition. I changed the permission to 777 and k3b is working all right!!!
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1337 |)00|) \m/
Yeah.... Seemed like it... k3b can't create it (or save) either because it just can't do so ( insufficient privileges ) or due to insufficient disk space.

cdrecord was out,wodim(fork) is inn(as with debian)
Are you sure ? Well, in FC6 , cdrecord still works and gnomebaker uses a hacked version of cdrecord.... I'm sure.


left this forum longback
yes.Debian made wodim first,ubuntu followed,fedora too.
wodim-1.1.6-1.fc7.i386.rpm ?reason is the author of cdrecord(Joerg schilling) changed its later version to cddl.
In the past, we, the Debian maintainers of cdrtools, had a good and
mutually cooperative relationship with J=F6rg Schilling. He even
commented on Debian bug reports, which is one of the best things an
upstream maintainer can do. Naturally, there were occasionally
disagreements, but this is normal.

Unfortunately Sun then developed the CDDL[1] and J=F6rg Schilling
released parts of recent versions of cdrtools under this license.
The CDDL is incompatible with the GPL. The FSF itself says that this
is the case as do people who helped draft the CDDL. One current and
one former Sun employee visited the annual Debian conference in Mexico
in 2006. Danese Cooper clearly stated there that the CDDL was
intentionally modelled on the MPL in order to make it GPL-
incompatible. For everyone who wants to hear this first-hand, we have
video from that talk available at [2].
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