is shifting to vista worth it?for gaming?

Should i switch to Vista or remain on XP

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entrana said:
dude gx saurav i think ur the only guy who supports vista
i need more comments cuz if i change to vista its gonna be permanent so i have to be firm on deciding
Well...if u r so confused, don't upgrade. Eventually you will need to so till then stick to XP.


die blizzard die! D3?
Dude if you want to play DX10 games at their full glory with your costly 8800GT then you will have to go for vista.But then both vista and DX10 is still in their nascent stages(read buggy) so it will take some time to fine tune them.

SO if you buy 8800GT then spend some more and buy Vista too.I suggest you wait till Xmas when there is supposed to be a price cut so you wil be able to afford a better card at the same price.

ELSE stick to your relatively more reliable XP and buy a DX9c card and help your parents save some cash.

It's your choice dude cos it's your money.


Cyborg Agent
Definetly u should upgrade to Vista as it is a must to use 8800 card to its full potential. And sooner the performance on Vista will increase as the developers are releasing new drivers regularly. U shouldn't go with XP as it can't use 8800 capabilities. It will be like using dual core CPUs with Windows 98


The Devil's Advocate
well if ur talking abt upgrading to vista im for it .... but dont expect a huge gaming difference as compared to xp at times u might find rather slow if ur machine aint powerful ;)


i guess someone wanted a poll.. well Vista is a better choice if you prefer 8800GTX..(DX10) its defenitely worth the switch.. but if you go for a DX 9 (7 series)card then XP is a better choice..


Wire muncher!
i'd say stick wid XP now and also postpone ur 8800 purchase. wait for vista sp1 and dx 10.1 and only then take a wise decision on what gfx card to purchase. upgrade to vista after sp1, seriously.

how many dx10 only games are in the market now and how many will you play? first answer that Q.


M$™ Certified Spammer
ok so ill just post the stuff im getting and u guys reccomend k?
xfx 650i ultra
2 gig ram 800mhz
xfx geforce 8800gts 320mb
smps cooler master 600watts/corsair sli 620watts(doesent really mattter)
core 2 duo(not sure)@2.66ghz(may have to retain my p4 ht)
and i think thats it, my monitor would be a 1360x768/1280x1024 26inch and 17 inch respectively
now, tell me if i shud switch, i may even get 4 gig ram if im shiftin to vista

thanks for the poll addition shantanu


left this forum longback
a little offtopic:is paying the extra premium for getting XFX brand worth?there are other packagers too for nvidia na?


The Devil's Advocate
its the top of the line .. in other words 1 of the best available gfx card in the market right now .... so who wants buy a maruti when they can buy a porsche


You gave been GXified
^^^ evidently Prakash does :D

xfx 650i ultra
2 gig ram 800mhz
xfx geforce 8800gts 320mb
smps cooler master 600watts/corsair sli 620watts(doesent really mattter)
core 2 duo(not sure)@2.66ghz(may have to retain my p4 ht)
and i think thats it, my monitor would be a 1360x768/1280x1024 26inch and 17 inch respectively
now, tell me if i shud switch, i may even get 4 gig ram if im shiftin to vista

2 GB RAM is more then enough. I don't find a difference in my Vista installation over 1.5 GB RAM. 1 GB will do but I don't game so can't say...4 GB is not required, & if u go for 4 GB then u will have to buy Vista 64bit in which most of the games don't work & also u will need to buy a C2D only for that.

With this much power, don't waste it on XP, Obviously U won't game 24/7. Switch to Vista

By the way, IRD is right...why don't u stick to your current computer right now & buy a new graphics card when Vista SP1 & DX 10.1 comes out, the only reason I m telling this is cos nvidia's 9xxx series is stated to be 40% more power & heat efficient then current GeForce 8800GTX. Means u will get more performance but less heat & electricity consumption.


M$™ Certified Spammer
im a impatient brat and as it is ive been waiting for better cards since 2005, so i think its now or never and i wudnt really care about electricity and heat beacuase i have 3 fans which is good enough for heat plus a additional pci cooler
so i think ill shift to vista, ill just buy a new hard drive and install vista on that
i can still use my xp hard disk as disk d right? can i do dual boot


die blizzard die! D3?
hailgautam said:
Vista is bad for everything.....

Not gaming and GUI atleast.And with such powerful machine definitely go for Vista as sooner or later you will have to make the switch.

Better wait for 2-3 months for 98xx series and Dx10.1 with vista sp1.


Wise Old Owl
in my case vista has proved to b a great OS for audio apps and some gaming.i'll never go back to XP.also i never bought xp :) .vista has every feature u need in an OS.the only thing is the application support but there's no app not running in vista except a few based on dotnet-like acid pro 6.


M$™ Certified Spammer
if i get windows vista ultimat would ms office be included in it
and guys i think im NOT getting core 2 duo ill just have my pentium 4


dont worry bout DX10.1.just get ur 8800GTS and Vista.gaming performance has improved in Vista with the release of Forceware 163.44.xpect it to become better with the release of SP1.i havent installed XP once since i started using Vista in Nov 2006 when RTM was released.dont think too muh just make the switch.u wont regret it.
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