Intel 915GAG strange problem

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Right off the assembly line

I have an Intel original 915GAG motherboard that I had bought around 2 years back. A couple of days back I installed a Seagate 160GB SATA HDD and disconnected my DLINK PCI modem as I don't need it anymore. Guess what happened when I tried to boot up my PC.. There was no display. My monitor kept on blinking. I cleaned the RAM but without any result. Now the best part is this same STRANGE thing had occurred about 3-4 months back. When I had just disconnected the SMPS from the motherboard and reconnected it again. The display was GONE !! I had to get the motherboard replaced by Intel after waiting for more than 15 days. So this one is the replaced one and it has happened again. There is absolutely no problem with the board till the time somebody puts his hand on it !! Any idea what is going on? What is happening? Why does the display blow up only when you touch it. I heard from somebody that the Intel 915GAG has this same kind of problems. Has anybody faced this problem with the 915GAG ?

Thanks :):)


Broken In

I had this problem with Intel motherboard also. Mine is Intel DE....bla bla bla.....cant rmb and lazy to check.
Anyway, it happened to me juz the day b4 ytd.
I changed my 40GB hd to 80GB. then when i boot, there's no display. Not even BIOS loading. I thought my graphic card is fried. This didnt happen when the last time i put a new 160GB HDD.
Anyway, i solved the problem by taking out the graphic card coz i thought it wuz the graphic card causing the problem.
After many times, it still didnt work.
Then at the last try, it worked.
Maybe u shud just try doin that. It might work. U can try.....unless u wan to lose ur motherboard for a few days again.
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