Installing Windows Installer Engine

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Am using WinXP SP1.
Please help me decipher the under mentioned info.

"Locating or downloading the Windows Installer
Service (MSI engine)
Installing the Windows Installer Service (MSI engine) on your computer.
Note: Windows XP already contains Windows Installer version 2.0. Thus, you should not have to install the Windows Installer Service (MSI engine) on Windows XP."

How do I confirm that my copy of WinXP contains windows Installed version 2.0 ?

Which File/folder should I check to confirm this ?



Go to the folder named Windows, present in the drive where ur OS is installed, and there go to System32 (or to System folder, if u cannot find the required file in System32 folder) folder..
there locate the file named msiexec and Right click it and select properties, there click Version Tab and Select Product Version to see the version of the file....
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