installing dataone modem in mandrake10 .1

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hey guys

i need help in installing the dataone modem in mandrake (or any linux)

its showing as unknown harware.

Alpha USB CDCEther Driver Patch to Linux Kernel 2.4


This file describes Alpha USB LAN CDCEther driver patch to Linux Kernel 2.4. Customers should make this patch freely available to their customers under the requirements of the GPL.

The Linux kernel 2.4.19 onwards include the sources of driver for CDC
Ethernet networking control model compliant devices. The driver being
provided by Alpha is modified from the sources available with
Linux kernel 2.4.19.

We needed a way to tag this file for trackig so the version of this file was modified by adding "-GSPN" to
the version string as follows:


This driver serves as a patch to Linux kernel 2.4 to address following issues with the original driver:

1. The functions for Set Ethernet packet filter and Set Multicast packet filter have been enabled.
2. Bug fix to enable sending of short USB packetes by using "USB_ZERO_PACKET" flag.

This driver supports Linux-2.4 kernel. The Linux kernel sources can be download from:

Customer needs to have kernel source to compile the Alpha drivers.
The installed system should already have the kernel sources
installed in the /usr/src/linux directory. If they are not there,
try to get them off the installation disks for your distribution,
or download the latest Linux-2.4 kernel , and configure and
build that. There are lots of books and documents available
describing how to extract, configure and build the kernel from
it's sources...

After untarring the linux kernel source to /usr/src/linux, go to /usr/src/linux directory
and perform following commands.

- make menuconfig
- make clean
- make dep

Release Notes
v1.0 (04/02/2003)
- Initial release of driver with support for Linux-2.4 kernel.

Package Information
Everything shown below is a directory. "+" means directory is NOT expanded and "-" means directory is expanded.

- cdcether /* Main directory */
+ inc /* Driver header files */
+ src /* Directory containing the sources */

Compiling the Driver
To compile the driver simply run make in "cdcether" directory

% make

Loading the module
To load the cdcether module enter the following command as root in directory
% insmod ./CDCEther

When using the module with the kernel module autoloader, the module can
be loaded on demand when the device is referenced. The driver need to be
copied to /lib/modules/2.4.x/kernel/drivers/usb directory. 2.4.x in previous
line refers to the kernel version. Kernel version can be found using command
'uname -a'. In addition to the demand loading specification, module parameters
can also be specified in the file /etc/modules.conf as follows:

alias eth? CDCEther

The ? in above line will depend on the number of ethernet interface
corresponding to the CDCEther device. A new file (ifcfg-eth?) needs
to be added to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. The contents of this
file will be somewhat as given below


To check if device is loaded
% lsmod

For debug print
% dmesg

Unloading the module
To unload an unused module:
% rmmod CDCEther

You will need to exit or disconnect any program currently using the module
before it will unload. If the module was configured for LAN, shutdown
the ethernet interface:
% ifconfig eth1 down

The ethernet interface associated with the CDCEther driver was "eth1" that's
why interface name is eth1 in above line.

LAN Configuration
To enable LAN traffic over the ethernet interface:
% ifconfig eth1 up

You may also need to modify the netmask and route for the interface.
Refer to the manual pages for ifconfig and route for more information.

To test the LAN connection is alive by pinging the remote side:
% ping

To disconnect the LAN inteface:
% ifconfig eth1 down

Things to note
* New version of modutils (version 2.3.18 or later) required. Sources
for the module utilities can be downloaded from:

* Updates are required to RedHat distributions to support Linux-2.4
including the latest RedHat 7.0 distribution. Check on the RedHat
site (* for information on upgrading to the
Linux-2.4 kernel.

i couldnt makeout a thing from this read me file provided with the drivers

Satissh S

Hey man it should be auto detected. It shud be autodetected as an Ethernet connection if you are using an ethernet card. If you are using it from usb. I can send you the drivers via Email.
Here are the details..
desertwind said:
i think you wont need drivers. I havent configured DataOne on SuSE(i havent worked on SuSE for ages). try the following config.

IP: (or

You may need to append the following lines to /etc/resolv.conf

Satissh S

As mentioned previously, For USB connected Data1 Modems you need to install drivers. If you have windozee get them via Email from me PM me if you want drivers.


Cyborg Agent
usually the usb modems will have an ethernet interface too. use that. it removes a lot of driver hassles.
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