Image to SVG

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Ambassador of Buzz

Please let me know image to svg convertor, if any exist better than svgfactory.
All I need this for making s60v3 theme using carbide..

my regards,


Think Zen.
Get Inkscape. You can import the image and trace it to svg.
However , it isnt going to be 100% replica of the image.


Flying Visitor
@ dhanusaud:
Try these links also:
1. *

2. *


Ambassador of Buzz
Get Inkscape. You can import the image and trace it to svg.
However , it isnt going to be 100% replica of the image.

frnd, I am already using inkscape 0.46 but doesn't seems to work as illustrator does. BTW, it always hangs although I have 2GB of RAM. Yeah, I already checked importing JPEG format images to inkscape but gets errors with carbide & also walls doesn't better, svgfactory doesn't something better than inkscape for converting BMP2SVG. Anyway I use Photoshop, Inkscape & Illustrator with carbide for making themes.

@ dhanusaud:
Try these links also:
1. *

2. *

thanks frnd, for providing links. i am just trying to get results. will revert with comments if it works or not.

once again, I wanna express thanks to both of you.
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