Image retention issues in plasma?


Right off the assembly line
I am in the market for a new TV. I've looked into plasma TVs, but there I have read about image retention issues (I will mostly play video games on it), and I don't want to bother with trying to erase them all the time. Therefore, I am looking to buy an LED TV. I may also be interested in 3D TVs to play some Playstation games in 3D (I've tried it before with a cousin's TV in the United States and it was amazing!). Can anyone give me any recommendations on a good TV with good contrast levels?


TV Expert
Since you too are aware of the shortcoming of Plasmas, therefore its not worth recommended as per me too. Looking at your interest in 3D, i would suggest you to go for passive 3D TVs as they are free from any health related issues, don't deliver any crosstalk.
When it comes to passive 3d sets, there are only brands which provide this-LG and toshiba.
If I were in your place, i would have gone with LG 3D TV as they are a big brand as compared to toshiba and also their picture quality is way better than the later.


The Picture quality of Plasmas comes no where near LED TVs.
Well I don't recommend 3D TVs as there are not much useful and when you want to watch 3D content you have to wear those glasses which is a pain atleast for me.
BTW what size you want and what is your budget? Mention that atleast so you can suggest you accordingly.


TV Expert
The Picture quality of Plasmas comes no where near LED TVs.
Well I don't recommend 3D TVs as there are not much useful and when you want to watch 3D content you have to wear those glasses which is a pain atleast for me.
BTW what size you want and what is your budget? Mention that atleast so you can suggest you accordingly.

I think you are aware of the passive glasses which don't have any health related aspect and they aren't a pain for eye as well..I agree that there isn't much 3D contents to watch as per now but hopefully we can get some in the time to come....


The Vagrant Seeker
The Picture quality of Plasmas comes no where near LED TVs....

that's one case of blatant oversight! :lol: see, it would be good to compare same-segment of TVs of both categories with the same HD content to know better. if one compares a low-end TV of one category with a mid/high-end of the other, it would obviously be unfair. should have equivalent footing.
though not if meant the other way round; or as regards to gaming as the OP wanted/wants :rolleyes:
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