i5 laptop for 45k-48k???


1) What is your budget? (INR or USD)
45kto 48k

2) What size notebook would you prefer?
Mainstream; 15" - 16" screen

3) Which country will you buying this notebook?
kolkata, west bengal, india

4) Are there any brands that you prefer or any you really don't like?
a. Like:dell,hp,lenovo
b. Dislike:

5) What are the primary tasks will you be performing with this notebook?
programming, surfing, gaming etc....

6) Will you be taking the notebook with you to different places, leaving it on your desk or both?

7) Will you be playing games on your notebook? If so, please state which games or types of games?
yup!!! CS, HL2....

8) How many hours of battery life do you need?
5-6 minimum

9) Would you prefer to see the notebooks you're considering before purchasing it or buying a notebook on-line without seeing it is OK?
i'd like to see it

10) What OS do you prefer? Windows (XP or Vista or Windows 7), Mac OS, Linux, etc.
windows 7


^^ thanks for the suggestion, but i saw in flipkart that asus is selling i7 laptops around the same rate. are asus laptops good???

Ishu Gupta

Manchester United
Your choice. i7 will be a little more future proof. Better graphic card too. Neither of you current uses need them though.

j1n M@tt

Cyborg Agent
^^how about the build quality of TimelineX?? I'm too planning to by a laptop, about in the same price range.
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