Ahh guys the fact is that, I was gonna buy dis config for sure after many months of research!! I would hv liked to overclock, but tht config would b too pricy so I went for dis config! Took all d rates from lammy!
I5 2400/ i5 2500
Intel DH67Bl
Corsair XMS 4GB
Corsair CX 600W smps
Ati raedon 6850 ( saphire)
Thermaltake commander (usb 3. 0) cabinet
Seagate 500GB hdd
Well I was fixed on this config for a long time!!
I wanted an i5 2500, but it rate increasd, I didn't wana loose on the 6850GC, so I went to 2400 nw evn its price has increasd!
Newys so been pondering for a big time! And was thinkin abt amd!
My main purpose wil b 50percnt gaming! And rest wil b for using apps like! Photoshop, coreldrw! Programming, visual studio, net beans, 3Dmax..
So wat do u guys suggest! I seen many benchmarks, n I've seen 1100t gettin kickd by the 2400 very bad! But I wanted personal reviews!
Pls help guys! Need to buy it by 31st..