i want to install linux but

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Broken In
i want to install linux but i dont have software. Everyone says its free , open source, but i never saw linux installed on any pc , nor on my friends pcs nor in any office. why is that so. I am curious to install linux and use.
computing/programming is my hobby , hence please let me know from where i can get linux free of cost and any tips on installtion welcome.


You can get it from me provided you cover the CD and postage costs. I will suggest you first try out Knoppix. Its a live distro. All that you have to do is boot from the CD and you will have the Linux OS loaded. No need to install anything. After you feel comfortable, go for some installation. You can use Open SuSE or PCQ Linux.


Cyborg Agent
You're from Goa right ?

Goa have some excellent running lugs/fsugs. They will be very happy help you.

For more details contact fred [at] bytesforall [dot] org

or *groups.yahoo.com/group/ilug-goa


Wise Old Owl
Or buy any magazine.All magazine give Linux distro`s all most every month now.. or try Ubuntu the link provided by ujjwal but it will take time to come.


if u have a good internet connection without any data tabs then u can download the Distros for Free just search some torrent search engine like www.torrentspy.com and u should get every available Linux distro for download or another alternative is goto the official page of the linux distro of ur choice and download it from there ( few Distros u will have t pay,,, but most of the best distros are for free)


18 Till I Die............
If you're downloading you can get live cd's here
And for installing distros, you can find many here[/here]
Otherwise you can find it in any computer magazine including digit. Also, LUG's will be a gr8 place to get them. Joining a LUG will be gr8 idea cos you will get a lot of help from there too. Of course we are here too :D.
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