I need a phone. The budget is ten thousand.

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Aspiring Novelist
Hello! :)
I need a phone guys. Can you suggest me a good one within that budget?
And how good is the MotoRokr E6? I know it exceeds my budget a bit but is it any good? Has the interface undergone any improvements due to the phone being Linux-based? How good is the camera?
Any other phone in 10K? Stay away from Nokia, if possible. The phone should be good looking.
Thank you! :)


You gave been GXified
What do u want from the phone? Since you don't need camera, or music playback...just get a Samsung E250


Wire muncher!
SE k750i, se w700i, se w710i (clamshell), se k550i if u wanna limit to 10k.

if u can extend ur budget a bit then:
se w810i, motoming (linux based touchscreen)


mr mac genius and rich bugger u shld get only iphone imac ipod and ithat and ithis only ;)

lol dont take seriously

well get w810i if budget extension possible......else k550i...i hv k550i and i love it.....try to get white k550i....coz later when u flash it to w610i it will be cool

now if symbian and lots of extraa 3rd party matter then get 5700 at the cost of bad cam compared to w810i
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SE W810i is the best non-Nokia phone under 10k. E6 is also very good phone but does not have EDGE.


Tech Genius said:
^^ it is above 10k.
Is it still? I thought it must've dropped below 10k now.
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Tech Junkie'
any major drawbacks in SE k550i.... goin to buy it...how much for 1gb mem. card of 550i??


Wise Old Crow
^ Major drawback: Its not a Symbian phone. Buts that not much of an issue.
It will be a good buy. My brother has it.


Om Ma Ni Pä Me Hum
se mob are nice with great cam n sound but it has small screen plus nt sym. i have used opera mini 4 in my w700 and screen so small cnt make out anythin
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