Hynix D43

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t3h g04t
does anyone know the story behind the Hynix d43 chips, I'm seeing them used for everything from 3-3-3-8 400, Kingston value DDR 400 to 2-3-3-5 400, Legend overthruster DDR 400 to 3-4-4-8 500 Corsair TWINX DDR-500 modules. why would any manufacturer use fast chips and set the spd to lower timings? Im referring to Kingston here. If anyone has tried to OC Ram based on Hynix d43, could you plese give the results here, my mobo is a k8mmv so no overclocks except for basic CAS latency settings


In the zone
The voltage is slightly different for different speeds. Same ram runs @ 2.5V @ 333MZH while for 400MHZ its 2.6V. Some mother boards can adjust for this and some cant. So you have to change the other timings to make it work. Going with the max specs only works if everything works just right. Mine is not the D43 yet it runs @ 400MHZ @ 3-3-3-8... The specs dont even show a 400 speed on it.


D43 are not meant to be low latency ram.
Yes they can go to higher speeds but at the cost of latency.
And yes they do overclock well. I have had 4 sticks. 2 of them did 240 2.5-3-3-8. and 255Mhz 3-4-4-8.
The other two did 240Mhz 2.4-4-4-8.
Darklord, a member here got a very good batch and his did 292Mhz. And couple of others i know have taken it to 270Mhz.
But at loose timings.
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