how to play mp3 and avi in ubuntu 7.04

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Broken In
please help
i want to play mp3 and avi files on my ubuntu 7.04
it recognizes mp3 but does not play them
when i ask it to install/download necessary codecs it fails and says necessary files not found... i'm connected to the internet but still

now i followed some codes on a site which has now resulted in a error in the system

it says

This is a major failure of your software management system. Please check for broken packages with synaptic, check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information with: 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install -f'.

when i start add/remove programmes and synaptic package manager

i also used a third party VLC but the download failed said following cannot be installed on i386 system
what does that mean? does it mean my intel original 915GAV does not support ubuntu then which linux does ?

please help
i am a 5 and half hour old at linux
step by step procedures preferred

ratings assured
thanks in advance


GTK+ programmer
I think the ubuntu 7.04(fiesty) repositories have been taken down as they are no longer supported. Download the latest version 9.04.


Broken In
well in several digit DVDs Multimedia Apps for Linux have been distributed...

anyways if you aren't comfortable with those... 'n have Internet access from your linux box
then try 'yum', to install VLC correctly you need to follow following method

$> su
password: //enter root password
#> rpm -ivh *
//the italicized number above should be Fedora Core # like its 8 for Core8
#> yum install vlc
#> yum install python-vlc mozilla-vlc (optional)

you could also install other multimedia apps
info can be browsed here Click Link


Broken In
well in several digit DVDs Multimedia Apps for Linux have been distributed...

anyways if you aren't comfortable with those... 'n have Internet access from your linux box
then try 'yum', to install VLC correctly you need to follow following method
remember you need Superuser(root) permission for these
$> su
password: //enter root password
#> rpm -ivh *
//the italicized number above should be Fedora Core # like its 8 for Core8
#> yum install vlc
#> yum install python-vlc mozilla-vlc (optional)

you could also install other multimedia apps
info can be browsed here Click Link


Before I suggest ANYTHING I would like to know why are you using Ubuntu 7.04 when the latest is 9.04. If your hardware is old Xubuntu 8.04.2 would be a better bet.

Another thing, there is no 7.04 !! You must be mistaken. See this page


^ i have used ubuntu 7.04 , but as stated earlier it is not supported now. its support was upto 19.10.2008 i.e. 18 months from the date of release


Ok Sorry
My bad.

Then OP has two options:
1. Upgrade to the latest Ubuntu.
2. Use a third party windows player in wine, like jet audio.


Then OP has two options:
1. Upgrade to the latest Ubuntu.
2. Use a third party windows player in wine, like jet audio.


Open up the terminal (Applications\Accessories\Terminal) and then type in
sudo apt-get install -f
Now, type in
sudo apt-get update
Now, type in
sudo apt-get install vlc
Do some waiting, and VLC should be installed. Now open media files with vlc.

Please post results here.
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