Right off the assembly line
Before anything, this is a big post from a very newbie person in world of blogging.
I had been searching the net for blogging and related stuff and bought the recent digit issue which came with a small but GODLY booklet called "YOUR WEB PRESENCE". Also, there are 2 softwares I found with general idea that feeddemon and newzcrawler are 2 best softwares over the net.
I red some forum messages here and found the commun to be pretty neat and friendly so thats why I am going to request some help from here.
There are 3 Major questions which haunt me.
1)How is a BLOG different from -
- a free webpage with facility of user comments provided.
- a free net based bbs forum.
2) I tried to reply to a blog .. I found the option in tools menu.. But then it said I should configure some other software which is a blog poster .. I would like to know a list of names of such softwares and also which one is recommended and works well with FeedDemon and NewzCrawler.
3) How do people reach a specific blog ? I mean if blog is nothing but a free webpage with kind of forum facility or like a guest comment facility, do I need to submit the Blog URL to search engines?
Also, in the end I would like to know why everyone is talking a lot about newsgator.com .. the name "gator" scares me because as many of you would know, gator is/was a auto-field-completion software which had one zillion adwares and malwares bundled with it.
Thanks a lot in advance.. I really look forward to your replies... If you reply in a point-wise manner, it would be even great
Editing this post .. what exactly is a difference between RSS, Atom, OMPL and a blog ?
Om Phat Swaha !!
Before anything, this is a big post from a very newbie person in world of blogging.
I had been searching the net for blogging and related stuff and bought the recent digit issue which came with a small but GODLY booklet called "YOUR WEB PRESENCE". Also, there are 2 softwares I found with general idea that feeddemon and newzcrawler are 2 best softwares over the net.
I red some forum messages here and found the commun to be pretty neat and friendly so thats why I am going to request some help from here.
There are 3 Major questions which haunt me.
1)How is a BLOG different from -
- a free webpage with facility of user comments provided.
- a free net based bbs forum.
2) I tried to reply to a blog .. I found the option in tools menu.. But then it said I should configure some other software which is a blog poster .. I would like to know a list of names of such softwares and also which one is recommended and works well with FeedDemon and NewzCrawler.
3) How do people reach a specific blog ? I mean if blog is nothing but a free webpage with kind of forum facility or like a guest comment facility, do I need to submit the Blog URL to search engines?
Also, in the end I would like to know why everyone is talking a lot about newsgator.com .. the name "gator" scares me because as many of you would know, gator is/was a auto-field-completion software which had one zillion adwares and malwares bundled with it.
Thanks a lot in advance.. I really look forward to your replies... If you reply in a point-wise manner, it would be even great
Editing this post .. what exactly is a difference between RSS, Atom, OMPL and a blog ?
Om Phat Swaha !!