Help with online gaming

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Digit Squad Member
I m not that good at connecting and joining online gaming ( never tried much )

so i would like to know how it is done

DigitalDude suggested a site to find indian servers

Can anyone tell me how to use make of the info and join others in game ??

or is that site just for info and we hav to join via multiplayer option in the game

plz comment


most multiplayer games are not resource hungry like Urban Terror, WOW and many others....but few of them are like COD4
A basic upgrade to simple 8600gt will sufice all the needs


Digit Squad Member
i dont mind even playing the resource hungry games
for a start ( just ot c how to connect and play ) i would like to try cs and cod

i hav both the games installed in my pc
and i can join many games using the Find Servers option in cs

will give hemachi and xfire a try thanks


Digit Squad Member
i installed xfire
my id is perfectinst
it says 11 games detected but how am i supposed to find servers on which i can play those ?? and join others

i hav added bassam904 to my list from digit

i hav aoe3,fifa 8 , fifa 9 , pop and others installed which r detected


If these are original then you will not have any problem joining the servers but if these are pirated then you will have only the choice of private servers.


Digit Squad Member
they r pirated
i dontmind joining the pirated servers

but how to join ??
thats the problem

i wanna know wat to do know in xfire ??
i hav 0 friends currently
but i hav already invited 5 and added 2 and i m waiting for their acceptance

cant i play with unknown people ??

I want to know wat next to do in xfire

wen i click on servers none of the servers r listed
not even 1

I have rogue spear original
but i dont think anybody will be playing that

other all r pirated
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you will have to connect thru multiplayer option in-game... generally there will be two ways to play online - you can browse for online servers in the game itself or if you know the ip of the server (from sites like or you can add the server ip to your 'favourites' and connect to it in-game.

I suggest that you atleast buy Counterstrike 1.6 from or from local stores.. it's just around 350 ~ 400 Rs. There are lot of online players (many play from cafe's etc..)/servers in India for CS 1.6.



Digit Squad Member
thanks digitaldude for a satisfactory reply
i know connection via multiplayer option and i m using it
the thing about adding ip in favourites is also known to me

but plz tell me the difference if i play after buying a original cd
wats the xtra advantage ??
does gameplay differ ??

Coz my motto is to play with other guyz and that can be satisfied via the multiplayer option.
If the original cd just allows to connect via xfire and chat and play at the same time then i dont need it


there's no extra advantage/gameplay diff :D

In case of CS 1.6, CoD 4, TF 2 etc.. most servers in India are legit ones (as most of them are hosted by gaming websites) and many ppl play in them so u get a gr8 game experience playing with our own ppl + low ping

if you dont have original stuff, you must have good no of known friends or go through the route of 'Hamachi' etc

for the past few yrs I'm just playing CS 1.6 over the Steam platform and am addicted to it ;) probably when I upgrade to a gaming desktop, will try TF 2 (I like it). steam client also has 'friends', 'in-game chat', 'profile page', 'support for non-steam games also' etc.. so I just stopped using xfire (i don't say i dislike it.. it has a lot of other gr8 features but I dont use them like uploading screenshots etc..)



@techking_dinesh: Buying games? It makes everything simple! Think of it this way - being able to join any server, anytime, anywhere. There are loads of legit servers to choose from. You get your latest updates with maps and other goodies for free immediately.

Start with something cheap. Buy one of those Half-Life game packs. They should be well under Rs 300 by now. Download Counter-Strike on Steam (I know I's old and overplayed). It could possibly be the most fun you've ever had with Rs 300. You can play practically it forever. There are many more games to experiment with. Once you get hooked to multiplayer gaming, you're never going back!


@techking_dinesh: Buying games? It makes everything simple! Think of it this way - being able to join any server, anytime, anywhere. There are loads of legit servers to choose from. You get your latest updates with maps and other goodies for free immediately.

Start with something cheap. Buy one of those Half-Life game packs. They should be well under Rs 300 by now. Download Counter-Strike on Steam (I know I's old and overplayed). It could possibly be the most fun you've ever had with Rs 300. You can play practically it forever. There are many more games to experiment with. Once you get hooked to multiplayer gaming, you're never going back!
Even new games like Stalker is avalible for just Rs.299/-


bassam904 Wouldn't you agree that Counter-Strike (as much I hate it now because I'm fed up) has had a good track record. People love it even now! I just used it as a example, for someone who hasn't experienced a lot of multiplayer gaming. That's all :) What's Stalker multiplayer like anyway?

@ravi_9793, Hello!
Welcome, dear admin, to the TD forums :)
You can buy the CS Anthology pack (with CS 1.6, CZ deleted scenes, CS:CZ) for 450/-
or for about 900/- you can get another CS pack (CS:Source, HL2)
And they are worth every penny. :wink:
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