Help To scan Airtel Ports

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Broken In

Any One Using Artel broadband

Can U Scan Port Through

* OR
{Note Please Set Allow all in firewall for sometime to scan port)

I want to setup server on airtel connection & need to know that these port are open or not.

FTP Port 21
SMTP Port 25
HTTP Port 80
POP3 Port 110
IMAP4 Port 143
HTTPS Port 443

Please Do not advice me on dynamic ip.I can manage dynamic ip

for your response


Cyborg Agent
Airtel by default does not block any ports. All ports work save except for iRC port 6666 (I dont know why till now!!!). The problem is the modem they provide. The modem administration does not have any port forwarding options and hence it is difficult to setup the services you are looking for. The best way to do it is to implement RASPPOE on your Airtel connection. Do a search in the Q&A section as I had posted a sort of tutorial on how to set it up. I am currently using the given method and I can host anything I want.
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