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Broken In
Please help with me with one of my projects. This is for my social
project.Tell me websites where I can get information on these.
1.Exploration and Discoveries of the world during the 13th to 18th
2.The reasons for the rise of spirit of inquiry and the beginninig of the
age of explorations.
3.Lives of important explorers during this period.
4.The invention of compass,ships,sextant,astrolabe telescope, and other
instruments to aid discovery and explorations.
5.An account of discoveries,maps showing their routes.
6.The consequences of discovery of new lands.
7.History of maps,tracing their changes in their methods over the years.
8.Spread of railways,roads and their special nature, trans-continental
channel etc.
9.Development in communications till 18th century.
10.The future needs of transport, space travel and ocean discovery.
Please post links,information etc and help me out.
Hoping to hear soon.


Cyborg Agent
Wikipedia for everything !!


Each page has good information, furthur links to wikipedia's pages and external links to relevant pages at the bottom.

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