Help in suggesting me a good Laptop ranging between 35k to 40 k..


I fee Lenovo Z570 is the best choice in this range. why? Read on...

Its got latest Sandy Bridge i3 2310 m. A 1 gb Nvidia gt-540m that is one of best mobile gpu. 500 gb hdd that is enough for most people. A 15.6' screen good for Cinema viewing.

Hence it is worth buying this Lenovo lappy.

hey were did u see gt 540m on the lenovo z570 they are offering gt520m which is worse then even older ati cards................plz send me a link if u find z570 with gt540.......i checked out the store yesterday only.............


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Go with the Dell Inspiron M501r or the other 15r variants.
But the downside is the battery life.
Don't expect more than 2 hours of backup. ;)


dont go for the dell m501r.
it has heating issues and not so great performance. and a very bad battery as all the power for the heater gets drained from battery.
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