Help in choosing between 6233 and K550i?

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Dude!, i use a nokia 6233, beleive me,it is the BEST phone in that price range, it beats the k550i anytime. And i am using a 1gb card, it is not slow at all. Video recording is awesome, and the onboard speakers are stereo, i think u should go for 6233. and btw, the screen resoultion on 6233, 320x240, so it looks way more crisp than the k550i, which has 176x228, which aint that gud! go for the 6233.!


Ambassador of Buzz
@arya:-u said all the good things bout 6300 but u dint tell any cons of that fone,1-the biggest prblm with 6300 is its battery which is trully pathetic,he'll need to charge it every day or may b twice a day no joke it 1 of de worst fone wen it comes to battery backup,cam is almost de same,sound wise 6233 much better,6300 got a better screen but at da same time it consumes hell lot of battery.
:-SE K550i is a decent fone,but the video recording is juz awful,bein a cybershotat de cam is not eva as good as K750i,W810i,but ya better then 6233...550i keypad hopeless.but ya it has got AutoFocus and flash,Memory card as u said u gonna get urself a 1Gb which will cost u arnd 1800 bucks which is quite a lot.sound is almost de same through earfones,but 6233 has one of de best surround sound speakers in de market.
i wud definately recommend u 6233 anyday.Cheers


Hmm, i still have the broken screen 6233 (its mine now that my sis got the 6300..hehehe)..will fix the screen...
i have to admit it was a great buy when i bought it, great sound, great features, especially copy pasting text in sms's.
So if u dont like the 6300 (its kinda thinks), get the 6233 and its a lot cheaper den the k500i.
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