help!!! I can't play mp3's on linux

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Broken In
Yesterday I installed SUSE Linux 10.1 on my machine, everything seemed to go alright.
But when I tried to play mp3 files it threw some errors & asked to select right engine for playing such file.
I only have 'xine engine' for this and it is not working.

What to do? :(


18 Till I Die............
There's a sticky explaining how to enable it read that - *


left this forum longback
Open SUse doesnot Holds propreitory plugins due to license and patent restrictions for eg:wma,mp3 etc..
you need to manually install or using yum these plugins..

few distros like linux-mint(ubuntu) ,freespire does gives out with propreitory plugins:
go to OPen SUse Wiki for howto make OPen SUse play multimedia:
Legal restrictions prevent various packages and formats openSUSE users frequently request to be included in openSUSE from being distributed. This page is intended to be an explanation as to the reasons and issues that surround these packages and formats that prevent their inclusion and/or distribution by openSUSE.
^^ above link clearly explains the problems and avail solutions
also refer this link from dr.sethi:


Broken In
>can you play any audio at all? or
> just the mp3s?
If its the 1st case, you may need to configure the alsa drivers.
Else, check the above links or someone will help you out


download and install win32 codecs. Your problem will be solved.
add *
to your yast installation source and update your system
Now Suse 10.2 is there. You may like to install it.


Broken In

Thankx for giving so many answers to my dillema. :) That was really considerate of U.
To asit kumar--------- I tried on UBUNTU once & it refused to install. As it is common with many linux variants. It doesn't rock for me.
Thankx praka for explaination, but I never came across such a b"!! restriction in any of variants I have tried out. What mess came into minds of NOVELL.
Yes cranky I can hear login sound ,.ogg & others formats as well, but not the MP3s.
Thanks Drsethi for links I have downloaded them & will try.


Broken In
Sorry e-Sumeetkumar morphing ur name was not intentional.

Well I exatcly don't remember...... it was 6-7 months ago when I tried to install UBUNTU.

May be it was some page fault message & then my CPU simply rebooted.

they r common in that (linux distros). Most of them have either some driver problem or kernel related tweak. most of them r not properly debuged exept distros from large firms like redhat, mandrake (unstable- my personal experiance), Suse. Well, those r the distros I have tried for long time.

Currenly I am running SUSE & it is an experiance exept its multimedia experience is a total disappointment.


Wise Old Owl
esumitkumar said:
Get rocks !!
Are you :mad: :?: If you suggest such a solution to somebody, what's the use of his installing Suse. It's a waste of effort him. Am i right :?:


Call me Sumit
Are you If you suggest such a solution to somebody, what's the use of his installing Suse. It's a waste of effort him. Am i right

Well first mind your language ...I can also write such language but Im not like u ..:x This is a forum ..not a fightclub..everyone has its views

i had even installed suse and mandriva..and wat I found is that they are total headache when trying to solve multimedia prblms ... thats why I told him install ubuntu...


Wise Old Owl
esumitkumar said:
Well first mind your language ...I can also write such language but Im not like u ..:x This is a forum ..not a fightclub..everyone has its views

i had even installed suse and mandriva..and wat I found is that they are total headache when trying to solve multimedia prblms ... thats why I told him install ubuntu...

ok. thanks for correcting me.


El mooooo
esumitkumar said:
i had even installed suse and mandriva..and wat I found is that they are total headache when trying to solve multimedia prblms ... thats why I told him install ubuntu...
Off Topic: I personally find that people who advise distro jumping are not helping at all. The solution is similar to telling a person to install Linux if he is facing a Windows BSOD.

IMHO if you can't help the person with current distro..don't pop in and say install XYZ distro because it "rocks" or because it is the "best" or because the other one "sucks". Do you take full responsibility that the original poster will not face any problems with Ubuntu or if he faces any problem then you will give him free support on each and every problem? Distro pimping should just stop.
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