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Right off the assembly line
hello there ......
up till a week before alll my games were running fine .... but now when i start a game within a minute screen freezes and i have to reboot the system .....
i have p4 2.8HT .....512 mb ram ....nvidia fx 5700le agp card .....

i thaught that problem can be in drivers i installed latest fron nvidia ....but it didn,t worked ......please someone help .......... :(


Cyborg Agent
It looks like a thermal damage problem. Check to make sure the fans on the CPU and the video card are running properly. Monitor the temperatures via MBM/SiSoft Sandra and check out if the temperatures are getting too crispy for your components. I would suspect your video card fan to be the culprit. Also, you could reinstalling DX9.0c (although thats really a weak suggestion and probably wouldn't change a d**n thing)
Make sure your case and the card get a lot of ventilation.


Broken In

Dude I don't think it's b'cos of the graphics card since the os displays fine according to what u told us. There are probably two solutions to it. Firstly reinstall the directx and try again. If this dosen't work then reinstall he os which in major cases in bound to solve te prob.
But according to enoonmai the temperatue might also be a prob too so better check the temp too.
Hope it works.


Cyborg Agent
Well, you cant really say for sure that its not the graphics card, because the problem doesnt seem to kick in until he loads a game. And if you remember, a lot of the core components of the card are not called to work until you actually load a game. So while Windows in normal working mode may work fine, if its a glitch on the card, it probably wont show up until the gaming specific components are put to the task. The only way we can know for sure is to plug another video card in. Of course, I hope to God that I am wrong, because if it does turn out to be thermal damage, he's pretty much out of luck and has to shell out dough for a newer card.


Fresh Stock Since 2005
Uninstall your graphics card and reinstall.
If this does not help, you can repair XP which has solved most of my problems.
And lastle, it is most likely to be a hardware problem. Use your graphics card in another system if you can. It is most probably a problem with your graphics card hardware.


Go to Start>Run and then type dxdiag and press Enter.....
There u perform all the tests, Display, Sound etc....
Also, check that there is a "no error" report in the DirectX Files Tab...

ignore any warning about WHQL signature, the DirectX may give u....

if u have found some problems with the DirectX files, reinstall it....


Wise Old Owl
neerajvohra said:
may be problem with your directx
install the latest one again if you already installed it!!

didnt swatkat just say that??? y do u have 2 repeat what others have said???? stop spamming dude...ive requested u 2 stop several times but u dont seem 2 learn....
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