Help!! Extreme dust problem!!

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Oxygen !!
:shock: my cabinet's full of thick dust! all my pc collects a thin film of dust everyday. there's no stopping it! i tried 2 clean the cabinet, but how the hell r u supposed to clean internal hardware !? please advice on how to tackle the sitch, as i cant provide my pc a better surrounding. is there some air-filter stuff available 4 not-too-many bucks??


No pain....No gain
Clean the dust using normal coloring/painting brush and if you can get a air blower (don't use hair dryer) or a can of compressed air, that would help a lot.
Which cabby do you have?


Cyborg Agent
I use a vacuum cleaner attached with a soft brush once a month.
Hard to reach areas I use a small hard brush to get the dust fall off.


Bond, Desi Bond!
check this: *

always wear, anti-static wristband while cleaning parts like RAM


Staff member
:confused: isn't cleaning with a brush or cloth going to produce static charge?
all the hardware manuals warn specifically about that?
not the pure cotton ones :)

instead using high pressure air do cause charge effusion, like vacuum cleaning etc .
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