Hdd free space problem.

quan chi

mortal kombat
hi guys

i today uninstalled norton antivirus 2010 and before it it was showing my c drive has 14.9 gb free space left.
Before the uninstallation i updated my windows xp(files must be max 100mb).

Now after the reboot it shows only 8gb of free space left what happened to the other 5 gb??

please help.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Use CCleaner to clear out bullsh!t. You can also use Disk Cleanup. (right click on the drive --> Properties --> Disk Cleanup)

Also, turn off System Restore which will clear all restore points and turn it on again. This way you will regain further more free space.
quan chi

quan chi

mortal kombat
Use CCleaner to clear out bullsh!t. You can also use Disk Cleanup. (right click on the drive --> Properties --> Disk Cleanup)

Also, turn off System Restore which will clear all restore points and turn it on again. This way you will regain further more free space.
actually i posted it after using cc cleaner only.even after using cc cleaner it didnt helped.

If it fails.. individually search C drive's main folders. And observe any unusual increment.

couldnt find any.

even after doing this couldnt turn off system restore.
my computer/manage/service & applications/service

here search for System restore service and set its preferences to disable or manual. Apply & OK.


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