HD4890 on a Corsair TX650

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Aspiring Novelist

I ordered a HD4890 and a Corsair TX650. (And various other stuff for my new build)

The problem I am worried about:
The HD4890 needs 2 -- 6 PIN PCI Express Power Connectors. The websites say that the TX650 does not have 6 pin PCI connectors, only 2 --- 8 Pin ones. Will I need to hook up the card, using Molex converters (Molex to 6 pin converter cable). Are these converter cables available at Nehru Place, New Delhi.

It will be kind of irritating to find out that I ordered 50K worth of high end computer parts..and did not think about the cables...!

Link for TX650

thanks for the help..!



Wise Old Owl
it can handle it easily evenif u use a converter cable. Also make sure u connect 2 molex pins into the converter.


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ asigh - you will get Molex to 6 pin converter cable with the gfx card. So don't woory. BTW, these two 6 pin pci-e power connector will consume 4 molex connectors of your psu :p

BTW, if you are running out of molex connectors you can always buy molex y-cable. With this you can run two molex devices using a single molex connector. So don't worry.


Aspiring Novelist
Hey..thanks..to all..for such prompt replies...

I am not worried about the TX650 able to handle the card..I am sure it can..! Was just worried that...will I get the converter (6PIN)...with the powersupply..since it does not have 6 pin connectivity.

The Powercolor 4890 card does not come with a converter..meaning..does not ship with it..as standard accessories...
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