graphics card overheats

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i have a MSI starforce Geforce fx 5200 128 mb graphics card. recently the graphics card has started to heat up a lot and the screen goes blank when it heats up too much. I have positioned a fan under its heatsink which keeps the pc going for a longer time. but the card still overheats and shuts down within 20 mins. Earlier XP reported that there was a problem with the driver. but even after updating the driver the problem exists. moreover the heating problem is taken place even though no movies or games r being played and neither the card has been overclocked.

Does ne1 know where the problem lies? (In one site i read that the vga card has a tendency to heat up bfore failing. Is it true?)


Either u'r AGP or PCI-X slot has become faulty or SMPS is supplying less power due to which the graphics card is in a strain/stress.
Check both the possibilities.

Lastly, graphics card may have become faulty.


Try putting u'r agp card in another PC.
If it works there, then probably u'r agp slot or u'r smps is faulty.

If it doesnt work there, i mean if it overheats in another system too, then agp card is faulty.

Also try putting a new or borrowed agp card in u'r system, if it works then u'r agp card is faulty.


Since, none of the above mentioned solutions helped u, my guess is, u'r display card has gone kaput!!!!
Get it checked...
Time to buy a new display card.
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