Graphics Card For My PC


Right off the assembly line

After a lot of thinking today I finally built my PC, my specs are,

Intel i5 3570 (Non K)
Asus P8B75 m LX mobo
Corsair CX430v2 PSU
Corsair Vengeance 4gb DDR3
NZXT Gamma
Asus DVD Writer

and an old Acer AL1702W

I thought that Intel's i5's inbuilt graphics would atleast help me to get a decent graphics performance, but in windows rating it gives 1.0 which is the lowest. IDC much about it but the screen resolution is also really poor (800x600). I thought it would give me a decent graphics performance which would give me a resolution of 1400x900. Am I doing anything wrong or will the resolution be so low.
Or should I get a new graphics card? If yes which one?

I am already over budget..... Which card would be good for me? All I need is basic HD video playing HD and a better screen resolution.



No highs, No lows = Bose.
Getting a ddr3 at this stage is not advisable at this stage. Just for watching hd videos , I think the HD 2500 should suffice the purpose.There must be some problem with your rig as I dont think the hd 2500 is so bad as to not even play videos @ 1400*900.
For gaming, at least a Radeon 6670 DDR5 is recommended at 5k.


Super Moderator
Staff member
yep, Op just needs to latest gfx driversfor his OS and re-run the assessment.


Right off the assembly line
Thanks a lot for the suggestions people. How can I be so dumb? LOL I did not install any of the drivers.... :p

Installed it and it gives me a rating of 4.6 IDC about it.... my screen resolution has improved and I can watch HD videos. :)

Thanks a ton again :)
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