graphic in c++

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Broken In
If your intention is to make game, then move to directx library or OpenGL library for 2D & 3D graphics creation. You could find directX SDK on microsoft site with documentation and the same can be found for OpenGL through google search.

All these only help, if you have very sound knowledge of C++. :)


i want some thing list of basic commands

header file,function and their use

like initgraph,setline etc


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
Just check into the help file! Its the best reference anyone can give you. It got examples too!

The header file is "graphics.h" That should get you started!


In the zone
shivi4 said:
i want some thing list of basic commands

header file,function and their use

like initgraph,setline etc

Those r extinct functions like dinosaurs!!! I guess u r using Windows, and u r already in graphics mode, u don't need initgraph.

I suggest u learn basic C++ first, like classes, polymorphism, inheritence, namespace, templates, exceptions, standard library (STL), and of course, algorithms.....(oh, so many things..!!!!), then u learn Win32 API (then some MFC perhaps, if u happen to like it), and then (at the last) learn graphics programming (with OpenGL, or DirectX/SDL). Even if u do graphics with plain Windows GDI, it will be a lot useful than those 'initgraph' things, and fun too.... 8) 8) 8)


In the zone
Why do u need graphics for creating tables and menus? U can do it by printing extended ASCII characters, u can draw boxes, blocks etc., and even create windows with them. (The TC-IDE itself is created that way.)

BTW, r u forced to use TC++?? if not, then use Dev-C++. TC++ doesn't support ANSI C++ which is the modern C++ standard, and its also not written for Win32 platform.
If u know ur c++ basic well then i don't think u can have any difficulty in learning graphicd under c++.You can learn basic drawing by first using 'graphics.h' as a header file and u can use the library functions for circle,rectangle,etc.. in the compilers help menu(if u r using turbo compilers)
for details u can use object oriented programming in c++ by ROBERT LAFORE,all graphics c library functions also works in c++.
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